Skylink SC-100 Security System Deluxe Kit

Skylink SC-100 Security System Deluxe Kit

Monday, March 26, 2012

Home Security Tips - Cheap Tricks

Home Security Tips - Cheap Tricks

Homeowners have an average of 0,000 invested in their home and an average of another 0,000 in furnishings and goodies to make the place look like a castle that it is. That makes them great targets for burglars looking for an easy score. They are looking for cash and merchandise that can be easily fenced for cash to feed their drug habits.

Home Security Tips - Cheap Tricks

Home Security Tips - Cheap Tricks

Home Security Tips - Cheap Tricks

Home Security Tips - Cheap Tricks

Home Security Tips - Cheap Tricks

FBI statistics from 2004 show the value of goods stolen in burglaries to be on average about 00. For the 2.143 million burglaries that is ,288,000. That doesn't take into account any damage done in the process.

Property crimes are slowly declining according to the FBI stats but burglaries are up .6% from 2004 to 2006. A home burglary happens every 15 seconds mostly because homeowners make it so darn easy.

The process begins with the crooks picking out a home that looks like an easy score. They case neighborhoods looking for affluent homes with plenty of cover to hide themselves and the most important thing they look for is SIGNAGE.

Signage is a cheap trick to protect your home without spending a fortune to do so. It should be the first step in fortifying your castle from invaders. It should not be the only thing you do either.

Signage is high on the bad guys' checklist because it gives them an indication of any trouble they may be getting themselves into. It may indicate if there's a dog on the property. It can indicate if the premises are guarded by a security company or not. Signage may give a clue on alarms in the house.

You get the idea and so does the bad guy who is looking for an easy target. He'll look for these signs before he picks a target. Why would he knowingly pick a house that is protected in some way making it more difficult over a home that is not? He won't!

Signage can come in many flavors. Pick yours and pick many the more the merrier.

Advertising works, even in the criminal world. Let the bad guys know they are in for a hard time and chances are they will stay away and pick another target. Let them play in somebody else's house.

Home Security Tips - Cheap Tricks

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

So you have installed a home security camera system at your home, or are planning to install one. That is great news, because you can start using your camera system to prevent problems as well as provide evidence if vandalism or theft occurs. But if you are currently in the market for a home security camera system, then you might want to consider some of the added features that are available. Many home security camera systems can provide you the ability to view your cameras while you are away from home over the internet. But it is important to look for certain things when you are considering a remotely viewable home security camera system.

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

The most important thing to consider when you are selecting a remote-viewable security camera system is the security of your system on the network. It is important to ensure that the system you have selected has the ability to set up a password protected user account, so that you can ensure that you will be the only one that has access to your system. After all, you don't want someone else being able to Watch you on your cameras.

Next, you should consider your internet you have a static IP address or dynamic IP address internet connection? If you do not know the answer to that question, then it is very likely that you have a dynamic IP address, because static IP addresses cost more on a monthly basis from your internet service provider. It is important to know this when selecting a home security camera system, because if you can avoid having to pay an extra -30 per month for a static IP address, then you can save a great deal of money in the long-run. So when you are selecting a remote viewable home security camera system or DVR, be sure to ask if it will work with a dynamic IP address. Most of the systems on the market will not work with a dynamic IP address, which is why our Alnet Systems PC-Based DVR Cards have become very popular for home security camera installations. This system has built-in support for the dynamic IP addresses, so that you can view your cameras remotely, without having to pay an extra monthly fee to your internet service provider.

Finally, look at the remote viewing options that the home security camera system or DVR offers you. The remote viewing ability of standalone and PC-based DVRs vary widely from basic Internet Explorer-ONLY remote viewing through a web browser, to more advanced PC-Client remote viewing that offer full-resolution access to your cameras, and even Windows Mobile PDA phone and Windows Mobile Smartphone remote viewing, like with our Alnet Systems PC-Based home security camera systems. With the PDA phone and Smartphone remote viewing, you are even able to connect in to view your live and pre-recorded video right from your cell phone, so that next time you are on the train and stressing out about whether or not you shut the garage door, you can know for sure in seconds.

The decision to install home security cameras is becoming an easy one in today's society...but ensure when you do, that you select a system that can work for your needs. Consider the costs and remote viewing capabilities at the same time, because a cheaper DVR can sometimes cost you more in internet connection costs over the long run, while providing lower-quality recording at the same time. Let the remote access allow you to have better peace of mind, and stay more connected with your largest investment, your home.

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

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Monday, March 5, 2012

RV Security

RV Security

Many people don't realize how important it is to install security devices on their RV or motor home. Think about it just for a second- which makes a better target for thieves, an older-model car, or an expensive-looking motor home stocked with electronics, jewelry, and other high-value possessions? For a criminal, the choice is easy. How can you protect your RV from the range of security threats that may befall it?

RV Security

RV Security

RV Security

RV Security

RV Security

First, install door and window alarms on all access points to the RV. These alarms will let off a loud beep when they are opened without first disarming them. This will quickly alert you to anyone trying to break in.

Although many people keep their RV near their home, others opt to keep it in a storage facility when not in use. Always investigate the security offered by the facility. Are identities checked before people are allowed to enter the storage area? Are there security officers who routinely patrol the RV storage area? For the best security, look for secure storage surrounded by high fences and protected with security cameras, bright security Lights, and a gate that is passcode-protected.

RV security doesn't stop when you leave home. While traveling in your RV, there are additional security precautions to consider. Be very cautious where you choose to park your RV. Avoid staying overnight at rest stops, which tend to be deserted, making them an attractive place for criminals. If you stop at a rest stop, make it a short break during dayLight hours. Lock the RV, even though you aren't going very far from it, and always leave someone in or close to the RV. Don't open the RV door for everyone, even if they are wearing an official-looking uniform.

Many RV travelers make the mistake of leaving their RV unlocked, and even the keys in the ignition and their wallet in the center console, when they get out at a gas station or rest stop. Remember, an RV is even less secure than your regular car because it is so attractive to thieves. Get in the habit of locking the door anytime you leave the RV.

This same principle applies to the RV when you have reached your destination. Whether you're in a deserted campground or a large RV park, everyone is a stranger. Your neighbors won't look twice at a stranger entering your RV, because they have no idea who belongs there and who doesn't. Whenever possible, travel in groups so that you'll have more people around to keep an eye on your RV and your belongings.

Even if your RV doors are locked and you don't see anyone suspicious around, keep the curtains or blinds closed, and all valuables out of sight. When you're camping, it's all too easy to leave your jewelry sitting on a counter in the RV, the door unlocked, and the window wide open. As much as we like to believe that campgrounds are 100% safe and secure, this is not a good idea. The same goes for any camping equipment that people often leave lying around outside their RV. These should all be kept inside the RV, with all doors to storage locked and alarmed.

Although RVs are statistically safer than a house or apartment, this doesn't mean that they are immune from the threat of break-ins. An RV typically has no security devices installed except for the lock on the door, which is all too often left unlocked. Consider these safety precautions whether traveling in your RV or storing it over the winter months.

RV Security

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