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Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to Select a Wireless Camera, DVR For Home Security

Wireless camera with or without digital video recorder (DVR) forms an integral part of a comprehensive home/office security system. Even if used as stand-alone, the Wireless camera presents itself as a serious deterrent to thieves and criminals. Apart from security reasons, the Wireless cameras are also used for situation or asset monitoring purposes.

Why Wireless?

Home Security

During the past few years, wireless cameras have become increasingly popular. Traditionally, wired cameras have been in use (to a very limited extent). This was partly due to the high price of wired cameras, and partly due to the need to lay wires from camera to image/video recorder and/or monitor.

How to Select a Wireless Camera, DVR For Home Security

With the advent of new and cheaper technologies in video processing and memory enhancement, it has become much more feasible to set up a low-budget wireless camera for home and office surveillance.

Certainly, the advancement in technology and price cut-down applies to wired cameras as well, but use of inexpensive wireless technology gives an edge to wireless cameras over wired devices because cost of copper wires and running them from point A to B is eliminated. Also, wires are an easy target and can be attacked if visible. Wires can also point to the recording device, which may become subject to attack or manipulation. These issues are taken care of by the wireless cameras, as there are no wires carrying the video signal, and the recording device can be hidden, or even not present within the same premises.

Similar to wired cameras, wireless cameras can be manipulated by distorting the frequency at which the camera operates. However, it is possible to set up a system that operates on two different frequencies, so that if one frequency is distorted or blocked, the other frequency keeps relaying the image/video signals.

Wireless cameras are also easy to install and easy to displace if required, as the cabling overhead is absent.

The Composition

Ideally, you should have the following components to set up a wireless camera system.

1. Wireless Camera

You should choose a wireless camera that employs CCD technology, constructs image/video in colour and provides a resolution of around 500(H)* 500(V) pixels or better. It is very important that the camera should provide night vision. Infra-red LEDs enable the camera to see in the darkness. Look for a minimum of 20 infra-red LEDs and more than 10 meters night vision range.

If the wireless camera is to be mounted outdoors, make sure the camera housing is sufficiently robust and sturdy to withstand sun, rain, strong wind and tempering.

It is desirable to choose a camera with very low lux rating. A low lux rating enables the camera to construct a clear image even in low Light conditions.

Be aware that although signal wires are absent, you may still need to provide Power to the camera using mains connection. Alternatively (if possible), use of Battery Power renders the camera totally portable and completely wire-free.

2. Receiver

Receiver is the component of the system that receives the image or video signals (wirelessly) and converts these signals in a format suitable for monitor (or TV) input. If this unit has the image or video storage facility, then the device is called DVR (digital video recorder). Usually, your DVR should support at least IGB memory. Receiver (or DVR) may have more than one channel. This means, it should be possible (ideally) to use as many wireless cameras as many channels are available. Technically, this may not be possible, however, as some of the channels may be overloaded with Noise or signals present due to other wireless devices operating nearby.

3. Monitor

In most cases, you should be able to use your home TV in order to see the captured images or video. The receiver (or DVR) connects to your TV via cables. Your TV however, does not have to be connected to the DVR all the time. If it is a simple receiver, you can monitor images or videos in real time only. It is possible to find small screen dedicated Battery-operated monitors, most of which include the receiver (or DVR) unit as well. If you intend to use your computer monitor for viewing purpose, be assured that the receiver or DVR generates signals compatible with PC monitors.

A subsequent article will explain how to troubleshoot common problems associated with wireless cameras and how to achieve optimum range in a given home/office building.

How to Select a Wireless Camera, DVR For Home Security

The author is an experienced engineer who is engaged with an online business "misky wireless". More information about wireless cameras can be found at the website: Misky Wireless. You can read Misky Wireless WebBlog Here

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Guard Dogs Used For Home Security

Over at the website, a story featured a lovable German Shepherd named Titan...that just so happens to sell for £65,000, as the furry future in front line home security. Yes, this German Shepherd has been specially bred and trained as the ultimate security system, an animal that sniffs out danger and protects his or her owner at all costs. These so-called "super intelligent mutts" are being bred in Germany and are taught to track and trap home intruders until police arrive on the scene. After their intensive two-year training period, these dogs are shipped to customers all over the world.

Don't be so quick to conclude this crazy idea will never work-in fact, these dogs are already being purchased in important markets like Japan and the Middle East. This special type of guard dog is said to act as a deterrent, while being safe to family members, and according to program creator Simon Brodie, functioning better than the "most expensive CCTV cameras and alarms in the world." This program indeed raises an interesting question: is a guard dog, even the most effective guard dog, qualified to take the place of an expensive security system?

Home Security

A well-trained dog can certainly present some advantages to a homeowner, especially if the dog is trained to be a bodyguard as well as a woofing alarm. However, there are other issues that have to be considered. Some dogs can be bribed by a smart burglar who has a natural charm with animals or even a hunk of prime streak. Wouldn't a smart dog see through this tactic? Very possibly, this brings us to reaction #2: the burglar may snuff out the dog, eliminating not only the crime deterrent but also a trusted family member. Face it-unless a dog is specially trained to contact the police it is a minor deterrent that can merely discourage a break-in. Even the most highly trained dog will never be a flawless security system!

Guard Dogs Used For Home Security

On the other hand, consider what a cutting edge security system from a company such as ADT Security offers homeowners: live monitoring technology that ensures whenever there is a break in or forced entry that the homeowner and law enforcement are immediately notified. Special sensors are able to detect fire and smoke, AC Power failure, carbon monoxide, flooding, freezing and other special trouble conditions such as a PC crash.

Another important feature is that of a manual police emergency. Sometimes homeowners focus so much attention on protecting their home while they're away, they forget to protect their home against the threat of direct intrusion. Yes, a guard dog can help in this regard-but it's sharp teeth and aggressive bark will only complement a full system, which has a manual panic button that immediately summons police to the scene of a crime. A guard dog may be a great idea for crime deterrence, but an automated machine has a far better chance of saving your life.

Guard Dogs Used For Home Security

ADT monitoring not only offers high-powered sensors that detect movement or break-in (and differentiate between any pet movements inside the home, like any sudden moves from a £65,000 German Shepherd guard dog!) it can also detect other physical threats to the home or household. ADT offers nation wide coverage and 24/7 monitoring. They also happen to be the oldest security company in the Nation which is why they are the most trusted name in home security.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

So you have installed a home security camera system at your home, or are planning to install one. That is great news, because you can start using your camera system to prevent problems as well as provide evidence if vandalism or theft occurs. But if you are currently in the market for a home security camera system, then you might want to consider some of the added features that are available. Many home security camera systems can provide you the ability to view your cameras while you are away from home over the internet. But it is important to look for certain things when you are considering a remotely viewable home security camera system.

The most important thing to consider when you are selecting a remote-viewable security camera system is the security of your system on the network. It is important to ensure that the system you have selected has the ability to set up a password protected user account, so that you can ensure that you will be the only one that has access to your system. After all, you don't want someone else being able to Watch you on your cameras.

Home Security

Next, you should consider your internet you have a static IP address or dynamic IP address internet connection? If you do not know the answer to that question, then it is very likely that you have a dynamic IP address, because static IP addresses cost more on a monthly basis from your internet service provider. It is important to know this when selecting a home security camera system, because if you can avoid having to pay an extra -30 per month for a static IP address, then you can save a great deal of money in the long-run. So when you are selecting a remote viewable home security camera system or DVR, be sure to ask if it will work with a dynamic IP address. Most of the systems on the market will not work with a dynamic IP address, which is why our Alnet Systems PC-Based DVR Cards have become very popular for home security camera installations. This system has built-in support for the dynamic IP addresses, so that you can view your cameras remotely, without having to pay an extra monthly fee to your internet service provider.

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

Finally, look at the remote viewing options that the home security camera system or DVR offers you. The remote viewing ability of standalone and PC-based DVRs vary widely from basic Internet Explorer-ONLY remote viewing through a web browser, to more advanced PC-Client remote viewing that offer full-resolution access to your cameras, and even Windows Mobile PDA phone and Windows Mobile Smartphone remote viewing, like with our Alnet Systems PC-Based home security camera systems. With the PDA phone and Smartphone remote viewing, you are even able to connect in to view your live and pre-recorded video right from your cell phone, so that next time you are on the train and stressing out about whether or not you shut the garage door, you can know for sure in seconds.

The decision to install home security cameras is becoming an easy one in today's society...but ensure when you do, that you select a system that can work for your needs. Consider the costs and remote viewing capabilities at the same time, because a cheaper DVR can sometimes cost you more in internet connection costs over the long run, while providing lower-quality recording at the same time. Let the remote access allow you to have better peace of mind, and stay more connected with your largest investment, your home.

Remote View Your Home Security Cameras While Away From Home

Ez-Toyz Inc. Surveillance Solutions is dedicated to helping homeowners protect their homes from vandalism and theft. Our experts can assist you in protecting your home with a system that will suit your needs and budget. Home Surveillance Camera Systems can be as simple as a single camera plugged into a VCR, or as robust and powerful as a PC-Based DVR or Standalone DVR multi-camera systems. Our most popular Home Surveillance Camera Systems can be found here:

For more information on Home Surveillance Camera systems in general, visit

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Home Security is on Everyone's Minds These Days

Home Security

Home security is on everyone's minds these days, as we Americans are feeling more and more vulnerable in our homes, neighborhoods, cities, and even our country. Do what you can to secure your own little part of the world by increasing your home security.

Home Security

Nowadays, deadbolts and a Doberman aren't enough. Sophisticated criminals get past such home security measures, and violent criminals know how to bypass your basic security. You have to fight to keep them out. The Home Security Store gives you the defenses and the weapons to protect your castle.

Home Security is on Everyone's Minds These Days

The Statistics

It may shock you to know that more than 40 percent of break-ins occur during the day, in broad dayLight. Criminals know when you are away at work or school, and they take that chance to smash-n-grab. Secure your home 24 hours a day, seven days a week, because you never know when a criminal will strike.

Basic Security

Though basic home security may not be enough, it should not be ignored. Protecting your home starts with three basic security measures: lock up, yard work, and Light up.

1) Lock Up

Begin by installing sturdy locks on all your doors and windows. It may be tempting to leave the door unlocked when you are home, or to leave the window open on a hot night, but that is poor home security. Security common sense requires you to remain vigilant at all times, and that includes properly securing yourself in your home.

2) Do Some Yard Work

Next, trim back bushes from lower windows. Criminals can easily hide in bushes and break in through windows. Trees provide problems as well, so cut tree limbs that create easy access to upper stories. The thought of someone scaling a tree to break into your home may seem implausible, but it happens. Total security is a must, no matter how unlikely something seems to you.

3) Light Up

Finally, put the criminal in the spotlight -- literally. Light up your property with motion sensor Lights or flood Lights that leave criminals nowhere to hide. Security starts by making criminals NOT want to break into your home. Shedding some light on the matter may be enough to drive them away.

Three Best Security Options

But what if this criminal is particularly determined to get past your basic security? Not to fear, because technological advances have made security into a Powerful art form.

Home Security Stores offer a wide variety of methods to protect your home and family. Security can mean alarms, locks, motion sensors, safes, and personal safety devices.

Option 1: Alarms

When we hear the term home security, alarms are what we might think of first. Whether wired or Wireless, security alarm systems are a major deterrent for criminals. They monitor points of entry, such as doors and windows, or they monitor for motion when the home should be empty.

o Motion Sensor Security

Motion sensor security monitors and detects when unauthorized motion occurs in what should be an empty home. Modern motion sensor home security can even distinguish between a pet and a criminal, making this method of security even more effective and dependable. Install a motion sensor security alarm system in your home and know you have no unwelcome guests.

o Window Break Security

Windows are a popular point of entry because they are made of breakable glass. But there are security devices that can detect when that glass is broken, setting off an alarm and scaring away the intruder.

Option 2: Motion Sensor Floodlights

We've already suggested good lighting around the exterior of your home, but you can save some energy by installing security motion sensor floodlights that only come on when motion is detected. Security professionals highly recommend floodlights as a criminal deterrent.

Option 3: Security Cameras

How about having your home guarded 24/7 by a Watchful eye? Security cameras, which are popular with merchants and other businesses, are fast becoming popular home security devices as well. A home security camera system monitors and records activities going on anywhere around your house. You can monitor a live feed or secretly tape what's going on when you are away from home. Cameras act as an excellent deterrent and are extremely useful in the prosecution of criminals. Security cameras catch them in the act.

So Many More Options

You have many options in security. Complete home security means securing your home from more than just intruders. Protect yourself and your family from a variety of emergencies with:

o Smoke Alarms
o Heat Sensors
o Fireproof Safes
o Freeze Alarms
o Temperature Sensors
o Water Alarms
o Water Sensors
o Carbon Monoxide Detectors
o Personal Safety Alarms
o Pepper Spray
o Panic Buttons
o Guide Lights
o Voice Dialers
o Biometric Readers
o Wireless Intercoms

Home Security is on Everyone's Minds These Days

Where you can find out more about Home Security and articles on Home Security

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Home Security - How to Explain Home Security to Your Kids

They say an expert is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it confusing. I hope I don't have the same impact on this subject. Explaining security to your children is something that should be simple, but I have found can be over thought out, making it more confusing then it should be. The simplicity of the subject is that you are responsible for the safety of your children, and if you do nothing to protect them because you think they may be traumatized over something they presently have no fear of, then you are over thinking the subject. I have designed countless home security systems for families that have experienced a break-in. They also thought it could never happen to them.

If you want to discuss traumatized, that is a traumatic experience. Children have a much more difficult time feeling safe again after having had their home broken into then wondering why their parents are installing a home security system. Before I got into the security industry, I personally had to explain to my five year old son why someone would break into our home and steal his bike (among other things). I would have preferred to just explain why we need a security system, and how to use it.

Home Security

I'm not a psychologist but I have designed home security systems for years and have personally seen the effect of having a home violated, has had on children. Adding security to your home need not add any trauma to your family if you present it in a positive Light, security should be treated as a good thing. Children see news all the time as to bad things that happen, even cartoons are filled with bad things happening, so it is not news to them that they need protection. The important thing to consider is how to present it to them. Presenting the need for a home security systems is a matter of making it age appropriate. With younger children you can talk about setting up an invisible force field to protect their family from bad guys, just like the one protecting Batman's Bat Cave (or whoever is their super hero). Explain how no bad guys can get into your home because of this force field. Your children will take their cues from you and your attitude. By introducing security as something they can relate to it becomes something they like to use. Making it fun takes away all the fears of having a security system.

Home Security - How to Explain Home Security to Your Kids

The other area affecting children is parents with teenagers who think that because their children come and go at all hours, that they will constantly be setting it off. As if for some reason teenagers are not capable of turning off a security system. That is probably the most common response I get for delaying putting in a home security system. It is true that the more people using a security system the more opportunity for false alarms, but a false alarm is not a big deal. It is a much bigger deal to have your home burglarized, or worse. I had one teenage girl who could no longer sleep in her room because of a peeping tom, who she was afraid would come in through a window. Teenage girls are targets of a lot worse things then burglars.

A home security system gives them peace of mind when mom and dad are away. If most false alarms are turned off within 15-20 seconds it won't even dial the alarm company, if it does dial the alarm company, still no big deal. The alarm company will call, your teenager will give the family password and the alarm is canceled. Teenagers are capable of giving out a password. My daughters trip the alarm every month or so and not once have the police been dispatched. They find it humorous, as I do except when it happens before I wake up in the morning.

Here's the bottom line; too many bad things happen to families who think that they could never happen to them. I believe the internet has emboldened pedophiles, and that as a result children are at greater danger than ever before. As a parent you're responsible to protect your family, and one of the greatest tools that you have is a home security system. Don't over think the subject, get a system and give your children a true sense of security.

Home Security - How to Explain Home Security to Your Kids

Wm R Thomas has been in the security industry for over a decade and has designed security systems for well over a thousand homes in Northeastern Pennsylvania. He is the President of 1st Choice Security Technologies who specialize in high quality yet affordable home security, and surveillance camera systems. 1st Choice specializes in installing super high resolution cameras into homes and small businesses where just a few years ago the price of these cameras made them unattainable for most home owners. Visit 1st Choice Security Technologies blog sites for great insights into security. visit us for great tips on home security as well as current discounts. our security camera blog for those looking to install security cameras in their home or small business. We offer tips on CCTV system designs, maintenance and repair, and types of cameras to install.

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